Time with mom and dad
It is time to do some catching up with you all back home. :) Mom and Dad arrived on motorcycle which was a surprise to Mason. We had told him that mama and papa would be visiting, but he kept on telling us that it couldn't happen, because they live very far away. If they came, they would have to drive in a "rojo truck". lol To see his face as they drove up to the mission center was priceless. Mason couldn't stop smiling and looking at papa. lol Cole, let's just say he was super pumped. :) We were on our last two weeks of
"vacation time" so to spend it with them was good. The weather had just cooled the night before they had arrived, so they were jipped on experiencing the weather we had been used too. (But we were too sorry about it, it was nice to walk out into cool air.) They joined us on our food program days, and in between we had to figure out what to do. Brian and dad built some more tables for the kids. Which was (and still is) very much needed. They are well used dad!! They have become the new hang out spot for the older kids. :) And like always, mom connected with some special girls. :) Itzel and Kristel. Mom you have a gift with connecting with young teens!! Mom put together food hampers for 12 families that were in most need. (Thanks mom) We also handed them out to these families, which was a honor. We see the kids weekly, but to be able connect with their guardians is truly an honor. To also realize that one of the families in need is actually one of the dedicated volunteers is eye opening, but also brings you closer. As well as another mother sharing with us the changes she is seeing in her daughters. God is doing big things through Maricela and Rafael, and that we get to be here and watch it happen before our eyes is ....awesome. We also went out and did some fun things as a family. We went to the delfininario and watched a "Dolphin movie" (Mason's description). One morning everyone except Mason and I, went to hike the tetakawi mountain lead by our friends Andy and Jenny. I sug
gest asking my parents personally what they thought. lol We really didn't know what it would be like, so it was a new experience for everyone. lol There is one thing I have to say is that Cole could have climbed it twice. I don't know why he didn't come back tired. :) (Seriously, he was always ahead of the pack, but they said it was like doing a stair-master all the was up.) The day that mom and dad left was the day that Brenda, Art and Itzel arrived. So we have had to jump into a new system of things, which we are excited for. Now we will start building!
God bless!!
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