With having everyone here (Ryan and Juan Carlos are arriving tonight) it's great to get a system that works well for us as a team, but it means for us as a family to once again re-adjust our life to a new schedule. With every change in life there is always good and the bad. And what I'm struggling with is just having a routine for the boys that works. I am very thankful that everyone is encouraging me to do what I need to do for us to have a family life as well. As we are trying to figure this all out, please pray for wisdom for us as that sure seems to be the key to it all. :)
As our food program has nearly reached it's max right now (we had 100 kids on saturday) we are seeing big steps in the future in organization!! What we find in the Mexican culture, is that ciaos is a norm and no one is bothered much by it. But as the food program is growing and we are having more volunteers come to help, there is need of direction. Praise God that it was P.Rafael that initiated a volunteer meeting. :) It'll be happening this week, and with it we will be seeing who are the "real" volunteers and who are people that just hang out at the house. It is going to start to feel more like a food program with organization!!
The photo of Christian and Erica was taken because we were handing out "pillow case sun dresses" that were made by our "home" church here in San Carlos. I had to have Christian in the photo as well, as he reminds me of a farmer with his overalls. lol The ladies had made a whole box full, which probably had 60 dresses in it. They all were made from pillow cases or scrap fabric. Very nice for the hot weather we are still having!! I have the "pattern" and will email it to the church office if anyone is interested in making some.
Baby News:
Brian and I had gone in for a early ultra sound a couple of days ago by the request of the doctor. :) (I really don't mind see the little one early) We had arrived a few minutes early, to only wait 45 mins in the waiting room. Once it was our turn to go in, we entered a very simple room. No gown changing, just lay on the bed. Although we did get to watch the doctor work on the screen, and see all what he measured on the baby. Very cool. I had been told that I didn't need a translator, but I'd have to disagree on that statement. lol Everything was "normal" which we are happy to hear. Also the baby was 12 weeks and 1 day on the day of the ultrasound. So May 4th is my official due date. After he was done with me, than we needed to go wait in the waiting room once again to wait for the letter and pictures that we were to bring to our doctor. :) So I have been able to look at baby everyday. :)
My morning sickness is really evening and night sickness. It sucks. But today I woke up with energy and started to clean!! (My dad will be so proud) ;)
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