Sunday, July 7, 2013

We are almost back to Winkler!!!

Greeting friend and family,

We are almost back in Winkler!

We have been on the road now for a few days. Actually its been almost 2 weeks! We decided to take a little extra time coming home for a couple of reasons. We wanted to take some time to re group as a family but we also knew that when I arrive in Winkler I'll have to hit the ground running. :) This trip back to Manitoba has been a real blessing, we have tented most of the way down and it has really helped us to adjust back to our culture before we arrive so that I can focus on what needs to happen when we get there.

I want to take the opportunity to thank you for all your support this year. As we prepare for the next season, and with the dream and plans to construct the orphanage I ask that you please remember us and the project in your prayers. This truly cannot happen without Gods blessing on it. I believe with all my heart that this is Gods plans and that He will bring it to pass! We are so excited that we have the privilege to continue serving our Lord at this capacity! It has been an absolute privilege! Our lives have changed.

I want you all to know that I will be arriving in Winkler this Saturday afternoon and I am scheduled to give a report in our church (Winkler MB Church) on Sunday the 14th. You are all invited! I know that it is summer time and many will be out on vacation but it sure would be great to have a full house! Even if you are not a MB'er please feel welcome to come! It would be a huge encouragement to Clarissa and I. Although it does add some more pressure to me and my presentation. LOL (i promise, if you are not blessed by my presentation you will be humoured! This is not a strength of mine) :)

Sooo, having said all that please come out and hear what God has been up too in our lives. I will be sharing a few stories, giving an update on what the future holds and stuff like that. Also prayerfully consider how God might use you to be involved! As I mentioned, I can't do this alone. I am currently booked to speak in 3 different churches in MB and hoping to line up some churches in the USA on the way back to Mexico. We are promoting the orphanage plans and raising funds to launch the project this fall. If you know of churches or organizations that may have a desire to help with this need please let me know. I have also started to take reservations with small groups and personal supporters for the month of July and August. We want to connect with as many of you as possible so please let us know if you would like to get together with us.

I pray Gods richest blessings on each of you. You are all constantly in my prayers and I thank The Lord for each one of you and for the blessing you have been to us! We have an amazing support network, it is a privilege for us to know and be a part of your lives as well.

Dios te Bendiga!!! See you next week:)


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