As each day goes by, my list of blog items to write about gets longer!! So I need to get this done, before anything else happens in our lives. :)
Our month of July started with our annual camping week with my Thiessen extended family. We were given great weather, so we had a lot of beach time! Mason water-skied for his first time! He proudly informs others that he skied, but when asked if he will go again the answer is "nope".
With all the play time, Cole came out with only one black eye. lol It was a doosy! His biggest concern through it all was if he was going to have a "dented head". lol
Leah got her fill of the outside, and we found out that she doesn't always like change. Also unfamiliar people she's not to fond of; But when it comes to her cousins, she is super happy to see them.
Coming back from our camping we knew our next "season" was about to begin. We have been working towards getting ourselves back into Mexico since. We are glad that you have invited us over for supper and an evening with you. We also have re-located to Morden, in Brian's parents home. It was time to ween me off my mother!! (And ween my mom off Leah. lol) Having my parents around to help me out with our kids is something I could easily get used too, especially Leah. My mom was the first person that Leah saw every morning when I was busy bringing Cole to school. I am happy that that was something I could give my mom.
I need to thank everyone that has blessed Leah (and us.) This little girl has the biggest bag of clothes I have ever seen!! Also items that I had in mind that I hoped to purchase were given to us. Thank you!! May God bless you so much! Part of the excitement through this as well is being able to pass on these gifts to the family's in Mexico.
If you remember Ilse (the blue house was built for her by the youth group, and we were at her wedding this last spring.) She is expecting and I believe she is due around February.
God bless!!!
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