First evening "home" :) |
It has been way too long, but it's always better late than never!! We are proud to announce the safe arrival of Leah Dulce. :) She was born late on May 5. What I find so interesting about this date, is that in Mexico I always told my friends that May 5 was the date I thought was accurate. (My due date was April 28.) Leah has been growing a lot!! At 2 weeks old she had reached 9lb. 3oz. (Her birth weight was 8lb. 6oz.) When up, she is an alert little girl. She loves to listen to who ever is talking to her. Cole and Mason have been great with her. Cole wants to hold her all the time, and Mason is trying to figure out when she is going to crawl, eat food and play. Patience my son!! A couple of days ago, our boys wanted to play with her while she was laying on the floor. Sure!! Next thing Brian knew, one was pushing big trucks by her, and the other was bouncing a basket ball by her head!!
Our favorite pass time. The boys love spending time with their cousins. |
When the boys and I had arrived in April, I looked into putting him into school for the last 2 months. We have been driving him to and from school ever since. :) Cole has been loving the time he is spending with his school friends. And already he is sick of school!! He's been counting down to when it's done. lol We have been able to get him assessed in his schooling. Mexico schooling has been pretty good, although we will be needing to do extra work in the Language arts department. It's kinda what I thought since I had let him focus on learning Spanish with out any English study. So this next year will include some home studying. As Cole was in school, I ended up learning how to crochet. :) I am loving it. During my last month of pregnancy I needed something to do while I was sitting. I have finally finished my first afghan, and I'm looking forward to more projects to do. :) Even Cole has taken an interest. He's hoping for his first lesson tonight.
Together at last. :) |
Brian has found work to keep him busy. Wayne has been kind to meet that need. :) Brian has hoped to mow lawns, and he is doing lots of that!! (He is also loving it!!) Brian is leaving for Mexico this Sunday for a period of 2 weeks. He will be reconnecting with the program and making sure that everything is working smoothly, but also looking at what this next year will bring. We plan on going back for another year. (A full one this time!) We would like to leave in middle of July but everything will have to come together in order for that to happen. We as a family are ready to go back, and venture through what God has in-store for us. :)
Thanks for the post Clarissa! We have enjoyed having you here so much!!!