With Backpacks to be packed and villages to visit. Our time on the bus felt like a daily thing to do. :) The kids loved it so it wasn't them who grumbled when the roads got rough. :) One of my favorite villages is the fishing village that we visited. (That's where I had my 20 week picture taken.) It was fun to walk through and taste their food and watch them at work. Sting rays were in season so the boys got to watch them be filleted. Brian also stepped out of his comfort zone and had lime cooked scallops and shrimp. :) (He actually liked it.)
Christmas Eve was the Fatima community Christmas lunch. The cooks as the mission center had been preparing the food all week for this event. There was singing done by the kids from the kids program, two "dramas" done by the older kids which they did ssooo well. And of course, pinata's to whack. lol. If you look closely, you'll see Cole and Mason waiting patiently in line. The lines were ssooo long!! Over time, the boys gave up and decided to wait with me. :) We were pleased with the out-come of the people who arrived. To see some of the kids standing with their family's, I think you back home know how good it is to meet the parents of the kids you are involved with. :) It was sad to see that little Alexandro's mom was not at the program. So guess who willingly jumped in!! (Cole and Mason just love little Alex like crazy!) Daniela (the older sister) has captured my heart as well. I love working with her as a "parental" team. We have built a relationship of trust, and her heart is a treasure.
Christmas day was a great day for us all. It was a day to just relax! The boys had their new toys to play with, and Brian and I could catch up on our sleep!! Also calling home and being able to connect with family was the icing on the top! Our neighbor back home (Ike) was out early with his girls and we all went out for Christmas lunch at Pollo Feliz! No need to cook for me. :) (Actually that has become a norm for me. lol) Last night was our mission family's supper with all the classics. (The picture with people on the couch) It was good once again to just be one more day before the next group comes in. (Looking forward to your arrival Bethal Church!)
Baby News: All is well with the little one. :) I believe coming home helped me out with my weight gain. :) (What can I say, the food back home is really good!) We had Juan Carlos with us the last appointment to help translate. The previous appointment my doctor had given me a prescription that I was to bring to my december appointment that he could inject. I didn't know what it was until now. He wants me to have a tetnis shot. I informed him that it wouldn't be necessary because I am up to date on my boosters. Well, this one is for the baby. (?!?) In my mind I'm thinking that from my past experiences, while I'm pregnant is the worst time to be taking any kind of shots of this kind. So the next appointment I'm going to have to tell him "no". (Which I'm finding that the men here don't like to hear.) Also we were shown the private hospital that I will be having this little one. It is a small catholic hospital. I am currently working on making sure that Brian can be in the room when the baby is born. (One little step at a time.) :) Oh yes, we found out what the little one will be, It's a girl!!
God bless,
You should have seen Tielle do the happy dance as she read that last sentence!!