And now I will show you the most excellent way.
This week God brought me to the passage in 1st Corinthians where Paul write the church of Corinth about love. This is a very familiar passage to most of you, in fact, in many marriage ceremonies this passage is often referred. As I read through it again I thought about how well it is also applied to our daily lives. Whether we are faced with conflict, whether we are entering into a relationship such as marriage, or wether we are simply passing a stranger on the street this passage can be applied. It is the greatest calling to all Christians. To love.
The Bible says that love is the greatest gift that God gives us and we are to love one another accordingly. In Corinthians 13 it also list different gifts that God gives us such as tongues, prophesy and faith that can move mountains but without love we are nothing. Christ is love and without Christ all our best efforts are in vein. So how do we love as Christ loves? We need to be patient, kind, love does not envy, it does not boast and it is not proud. It is not rude nor is it self seeking. Love is not easily angered and it keeps no record of wrong doings. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes and always perseveres. LOVE NEVER FAILS.
We talked about this as a team. What will it be like to receive our first abandoned child into our home? How do we love that child. Well, the answer is pretty clear. I know God is going to stretch each one of us in this team as we care for kids and I am so excited that God is calling each one on our team to a very high calling and that is to love as Christ loves and to love the abandoned and orphaned. I am proud of the group that God has put together to care for the kids. Each person on our team is unique but the one thing they all have in common is that each one of them is great! I love our team and I know that God is going to do amazing things with these young ladies whether it be with us or somewhere else along the road. I am just so thankful that God allowed them to be a part of our lives right now.
This is a huge responsibility and one that we don’t take lightly. These are Gods greatest assets coming through our door. Please, if you remember us, please pray for love. Please pray God gives us that gift, to Love as Christ. We know that children will come and some will go and already we are afraid of the pain that will bring. We know that in every circumstance it is best for each child to be reunited with their families or placed in a family that can love and care for them in a family setting. Pray that we love whole heartedly without holding anything back and pray that we would not be self seeking in any way. Our desire as a team is to live as Christ while we care and aid for these children.
I am excited to introduce you to little Evan. He is 2 months old and has just arrived to our shelter. He is our first child. Today, September 26 marks the beginning. I have to wonder what the future holds for this ministry and I get so excited dreaming about the possibilities but today I need to focus on God and everything he has done to get us to today. God is so Good and His plan is great.
The Social worker from DIF handing Evan over to me.
Cole and Mason are excited
Patty and Melissa welcoming Evan.
Patty has been the most excited out of all of us. This afternoon when the water pump for the fridge started Patty bolted outside in anticipation thinking it was the car dropping of Even. We will see how excited she is tomorrow morning:)
Cole is proud of this little guy too. He is always ready to help out. He makes us all very proud of him.
And Leah is wondering what is going on. Why is this little dude here? Already she is helping out to bringing him his soother and sticking it in his eye.
I wish I had pictures with Clarissa to but the truth is she is not here. She had plans with her girl friends tonight. DIF was supposed to drop off Evan this morning and he only arrived at 6 this evening. So when she left we were actually thinking he would only come tomorrow. She will have a surprise when she gets home:)
Good night folks. Blessings:)