Tuesday, May 31, 2011

2 weeks to go!!!!

Hello Everyone,

We are now in the stage of finalizing the last details and waiting to go. As we prepare we find we are in an interesting position in that we don't really know what is in store in Mexico nor do we know exactly why we are called to go. One thing we do know is that God wants us there. He has blessed this mission in so many ways. He has given us new relationships and He has restored old ones which have brought love, encouragement and support. We have been blessed with a huge prayer support base and also have been blessed with a tremendous response in financial support and that's not to mention the support through G-Force, varying businesses, personal friends and family. Jesus is ALIVE and so much bigger than I ever imagined. I can't express how grateful we are for all of you and how humbling it has been to watch God provide for all of our needs.

Thank You so much!!!

Also, for those of you that do not attend our home church. There will be a commissioning service for us this Sunday, June 19. First service starts at 9:30 and the second service starts at 11:00. You are all very welcome to attend if you are interested. We attend the Winkler MB Church located at 120 Pineview Drive in Winkler. It would be great to see a bunch of people show up! :)

Have a great week!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Baseball Gloves

Hello Everyone

Just wanted to mention that we will be taking along a bag of ball equipment down to Mexico. I have a good supply of bats and balls but I'm lacking on gloves. If anyone has old gloves that you are done with and willing to donate please let me know. I want to have enough of a supply so that we can get a game going with the children down there.

Take care,


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hello Everyone

I need to express a huge thank you to all those that are supporting us through your prayers as well as those that God has prompted to support us in financial giving. You all play a major roll in this journey and I'm so grateful that we are surrounded by people that are sensitive to God's call and willing to give up of their time and resources if He asks. I Praise God for you and I'm thankful for you! Each week we are closer to the total amount required for us to go!!!

We have some exciting news to share with you. As we have been preparing for Mexico, one of our prayers have been that God would provide us with a trailer to give us some extra room on the way down. Well, once again He provided for us in a way that was far beyond what we could have ever imagined. Through G-Force, God gave us a truck with a cap. This will give us the space we need for traveling and will also better suit our needs in Mexico as the roads there tend to be quite rough. Once again He has proven that He is guiding and directing us along the way!!

It has taken me a few days to process how God continues to take care of us. He is so good!At times I don't know how to respond to all this. Why do I still tend to doubt that He has every detailed covered even though He is so clearly paving the way. Each week we have the opportunity to see Him work and God continues to show us over and over that He is in control.

We give Him all the Praise. Without His hand in this none of this is possible. I can't wait to find out what He has in store for us in Mexico!

Blessings to all of you,

PS. Lets remember all those that are dealing with natural disasters. There seems to be an increasing amount of flooding, fires, tornadoes etc. There are hurting people all around us. Here at Keystone we have experienced intersting times however nothing compares to the story of one of my friends/coworkers. Reciently she has been diagnosed with cancer so she has been away for awhile. Today we found out that her teenage son passed away. If you think of her please say a little prayer. For some life isn't looking to good these days.


Friday, May 13, 2011

1 Step Closer

We are excited to tell you that we are one step closer in preparation for Mexico. God provided a renter for our home. We have signed a 1 year contract with a family that we feel confident will take care of things while we are gone. Cole is pumped that we are keeping the house! When I finished the deal I asked him to do me a favor. He got to pull the sign from the end of the driveway and this time he didn't get scolded. We are so excited that things keep falling into place. Thanks for your prayers in this matter.



Sunday, May 8, 2011

7 weeks to go

Our week has been full. We are experiencing "mexico time" as we go through our day. Brian had put our house up for rent on pembina valley online, and the response has been overwhelming! We never thought that renting would be a serious option. This next week we will be sitting down with our potential renters to finalize our rental agreement. God truly knows what is best for us, even though it doesn't make sense to us. :) We are praying that we pick the renter that God has picked out for us.
With this week being busy, Brian had an oppertunity to include Cole on a outing to see the Manitoba Moose play. Some boy time for them, which is much needed when daily Mexico takes up some of our time. Cole had a blast to be with his dad, and cheer loud for the moose!
On Saturday the original plan was for me to spend the day in Winnipeg shopping with the Brodland girls. :( But God knew what my day was going to be like on Saturday and I needed to be home to help prepare for sunday. (God knows best!)
Today we presented before our church family. We were ssoo nervous! Brian is one that doesn't like to speak infront of people. (Especially when there is family to witness how it went.) We are thankful that we did invite our family, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you to you who took time to share encouraging words with Brian and I. We look forward to the future conversations that will happen in the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

..He maketh me lie down in green pastures...

I've wanted to post this picture for a couple of weeks already, the weather just hasn't been cooperating. This is my boys enjoying what spring brings us in Reinland. It's a treat of ours to go biking on the paved walk through the ditch at the end of the street.
This last week has been a week of rest for us. The weather was great, I got to do what I love best, which is working in the dirt. My sore back and legs are proof of it. (I'm afraid that my yard doesn't show much evidence of my work!) Mason has been practicing riding bike without training wheels. (yeah!) Cole has been oh so busy playing soccer with our neighbor boys. Brian has been flying the kite that has been kindly borrowed to us by the Brodlands. :)
The last couple of weeks have been go-go, and to have a week of having the week free has been good for us. For next week will be a busy one again, which we are ready for. And hopefully God will give us some sunshine with it. :)